Good God that is soooo true!
We (DS & I) have been here since 6/24 in our new place -
I have slept late, took a nap on the couch, fell asleep in screen house (do you sense a common theme here? LOL).
DH just left for a week, as he has to work until Thursday - hopefully he'll be back up next weekend for the full week & we can extend it another week.
The week at camp was something else - more sleeping in, some 4 wheeling, swimming - I hope DS will take home a lot of memories - I know I will.
Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.
Grace, I've enjoyed browsing your blogs. Your home is beautiful and fabulously decorated. I love your vintage decor.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments.
Take care.
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